Divisional Bureaus for the Prevention of Abuse of Children and Women: An Assessment

Divisional Bureaus for the Prevention of Abuse of Children and Women: An Assessment

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Divisional Bureaus for the Prevention of Abuse of Children and Women: An Assessment

November 24, 2020

An initial state response to the problem of violence against women and children in Sri Lanka was the establishment of the Children and Women’s Bureau in 1978, in Colombo, in charge of a woman sub inspector. This initiative was a significant step that led to the setting up of dedicated police units throughout the country in the years that followed. Currently there are Divisional Bureaus in the 42 Police Territorial Divisions, and Children and Women (C&W) Units in 481 police stations in the country.

The present study was commissioned to Centre for Women’s Research (CENWOR) by the National Police Commission (NPC) to get a better understanding of the functioning of these Divisional Bureaus to ensure quality services to children and women exposed to abuse and violence.

The overall objective was to obtain an in-depth understanding of the functioning of Divisional Bureaus to ensure that the services provided by them are of the best quality, and do not cause pain of mind or re-victimise any person that access the system.

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